What is on your EA To-Do list for 2013?
One of the great things about working in enterprise architecture is the opportunity to work on a diverse range of initiatives. Findings from our Global EA Maturity Survey in Q2 2012 show it is going to be a busy 2013 for enterprise architects:
While variety is to be expected in the enterprise architecture role, EAs will be multi-tasking more than ever. As businesses increasingly experience the value of enterprise architecture, the demands on the EA function increases also. It is a good problem to have – but it is a problem nonetheless. Equally, many of the priorities are linked and progress (or lack of) in one area informs another. For example, strengthening emerging technology processes and simplification of the application and technology portfolio are interlinked. At the same time, many businesses expect results in shorter timeframes and some of the priorities are inherently longer-term and deliver over an extended period of time – which is not always fully appreciated by stakeholders. These are clearly challenges and although it will be a busy year, EAs can look ahead with confidence. Demand for EA services are growing. Businesses are looking for more from their EA functions, in more parts of the business – and the opportunity for developing the scope, importance and relevancy of EA is ever growing.