Google Apps Versus Office 365: How To Decide
Deciding between Microsoft Office 365 and Google Apps is not easy, because it’s not an apples-to-apples comparision of apps and features. It’s more like a fruit basket containing some apples, some pears, and a few exotic fruits. Not to worry — Forrester’s expert on collaboration software, TJ Keitt, is here to help you understand how to decide.
About Forrester TechnoPolitics
Make the tough calls. That’s what independent insight and analysis is all about. Hosted by Mike Gualtieri, Forrester TechnoPolitics features independent analysis and commentary from Forrester analysts about hot technology and what it means to you and the world. Scripted? Absolutely not. Passionate? We live it every day. Courage to make the tough calls? You be the judge.
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This special edition of TechnoPolitics was shot by Nick Welles and edited by Rowan Curran.