Understanding EA’s Value
Creating and demonstrating value continues to be a critical issue for many EA teams. Forrester believes that architects can have greater impact by tightly tying their activities to value levers their organizations care about and demonstrating how EA supports IT goals. Why does value continue to be a top-of-mind issue for EAs? Why don’t organizations recognize and appreciate EA’s value? Forrester is conducting a research initiative to assess the state of the market and identify best practices successful EA teams use to create and demonstrate value.
We are asking our blog readers to contribute to this client-driven research by taking a 16 question survey. To thank you for your time completing this survey, we'll provide you with the survey results so you can see how your responses compare with others, as well as the chance to participate in a 30 min teleconference with Forrester analysts who will tell you 'what it means.’
Click here to take the survey.
Thank you in advance.