#ForrIdeas Twitter Chat: Delivering Mobile Innovation
<p>#ForrIdeas Twitter Chat<br />Topic: Delivering Mobile Innovation: Watch Out For Roadblocks<br />Date: October 3, 12-1 p.m. ET</p>
<p>It is well documented that society is becoming increasingly mobile-centric and organizations are being tasked with developing innovative mobile strategies to best serve their customers’ changing mobile needs and expectations. Forrester’s Michael Facemire has done extensive research around the impact that this mobile mind shift is having on mobile application development. On Thursday, October 3, @Forrester will host a #ForrIdeas Twitter chat with Michael Facemire based on his recent blog post <a href=”http://blogs.forrester.com/michael_facemire/13-08-23-delivering_mobile_innovation_watch_out_for_roadblocks” target=”_blank”>Delivering Mobile Innovation: Watch Out For Roadblocks</a>. You can also learn more about the mobile mind shift <a href=”http://solutions.forrester.com/mobile-sl”>here</a>.</p>
<p>Please join us at 12 p.m. ET on Thursday, October 3, to participate in the chat. Follow <a href=”https://twitter.com/forrester”>@Forrester</a> on Twitter, and search for the hashtag #ForrIdeas to find the chat. You can follow Michael at <a href=”https://twitter.com/asocialface”>@ASocialFace</a>. The chat will be centered around the following questions:</p>
<p>Q1: Which aspect of your mobile strategy has been most affected by the mobile mind shift and changing customer expectations?<br />Q2: How does your org balance app dev speed and quality in the wake of the mobile mind shift?<br />Q3: What has your org done to think innovatively about mobile strategy and the mobile mind shift?</p>