Participate in Forrester Research!
Forrester Research is conducting a study about IT security, and we’d like to get your input! We’re looking for information from security professionals regarding your company’s security technologies, processes, and policies, to include as part of an upcoming Forrester report. If you do not feel you are the right person in your organization to provide this information, please feel free to forward this request on to a colleague.
We invite you to be a part of our research process by completing the following short survey. It should only take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. As a thank you for participating, you will receive a complimentary copy of the report as soon as it is published (in early 2007), as well as be entered to win one of four $50 gift certificates from
When reporting the results of this survey, we will NOT disclose any details about individual respondents or your companies. We will keep all of your responses strictly confidential and look at them in aggregate form.
Please click here to go to the survey.
We thank you in advance for your time!
Best regards,
Jen Albornoz Mulligan
Researcher, Security and Risk Management
Forrester Research