Mary Beth Kemp

In between long weekends and vacations, I’m kicking off work on a roadmap for change for agencies and advertisers.  In it, I’ll explore the following questions (and probably many more). 

  • How will agencies and marketers integrate emerging media channels – including consumers – and what impact will that have on how we define marketing?
  • How does the evolution of TV change how we market?
  • How would/could an agency’s offer adapt to these changes and possibilities?
  • Is evolution or revolution necessary?  ‘Who’ is best-suited to change?
  • What IP should agencies concentrate on developing?  How does that impact their competitive set and business model? 
  • How should agencies embrace social media and what is their role?
  • How can agencies balance integration and specialization? 
  • How would agencies’ investment strategies evolve?
  • What staff and skills are most needed? 

I’d appreciate your help on this – perhaps too vast for summer – project.  Of course, I’ll continue to use this blog as a sounding board – so please respond and throw in your thoughts. 

To kick off the discussion:  what subjects are missing?  Are there additional themes you’d be interested in us including ?  Am I asking the right questions?

Secondly:  would you like to participate more directly?  If you are at an agency, or a client who works frequently with agencies, and would like to discuss your challenges and ideas with me; please send me email at and I’ll connect with you. But never fear, I’ll be working on this well into the fall, so I’ll avoid pinging you poolside.

Thanks for you help!