Facebook is Silicon Valley; MySpace Is Hollywood?
The NY Times’ Saul Hansell asks, does anyone want to watch TV on Facebook? Well, according to a June Jupiter survey, only 12% of social network users regularly watch professional video on social networks. There’s no statistical difference between MySpace and Facebook users.
Jupiter has identified a group of social networkers that says it uses them primarily for entertainment, and another that uses them primarily for friend-following. While MySpace had almost 60% of the entertainment types, it and Facebook each had 40+% of the friend followers. (Half our survey base were MySpace users and 30% were Facebook fans, which accurately represents US market conditions.)
That means MySpace just slightly over-indexed for entertainment. Clearly, from a supply-side perspective, MySpace is building out its entertainment offerings aggressively, while MySpace mostly focuses on communication utilities. (Communication is entertainment for a lot of social network users, of course.) But on the demand side, the audiences are still scattered.
Formal analysis in report form coming soon.