What travel eBusiness research topics would help you be most successful?
There's no shortage of research topics on which I could write. But rather than make the decision unilaterally, I thought it would be more productive — and fun — to shake up the a bit.
I'd like you to tell me what research would be most useful for you. Our job as Forrester analysts is to help make you more successful everyday, but you know your needs best.
So here's the deal. The topics are all around my coverage space – travel eBusiness, distribution, and marketing (sorry, no voting on who looked best on a red carpet somewhere). You can vote here. We'll leave the poll open through 5 PM US Eastern Daylight Time next Wednesday, August 5. We'll tally the results and announce the winning topic by next Friday. I expect the report will be published sometime in August. And don't be surprised if we use this blog (or my Twitter feed) to get your thoughts on some aspects of the report, as well.
After all, success is best when it's shared.
Thanks for your time.