Michele Pelino [Posted by Michele Pelino]

During the past few months I have seen increased vendor and service provider excitement and focus on machine to machine (M2M) technology. Service providers, device manufacturers, application developers, system integrators, and other companies are creating partner ecosystems, establishing business models, and developing strategies to deploy M2M solutions. These M2M solutions connect physical objects to the Internet using sensors, transistors, and RFID tags to provide information on the life of products, assets, or even people. For example, the utilities industry can use computerized grids, thermostats and appliances to sense and communicate line failures or automatically turn off air-conditioners during peak load times in order to save money and fuel.

I expect increased momentum in the M2M arena as business pressures, regulatory initiatives, and technological forces align to drive enterprise interest in M2M solutions to the next level. For instance, many political agendas and regulatory activities are focused on energy and healthcare initiatives, and corporations are facing increased pressure to reduce costs, minimize energy use and present a socially responsible corporate image. These factors will expand the opportunities for a diverse array of M2M ecosystem participants to develop solutions and capture a share of the revenues in the expanding M2M market.

Do you agree with me? Are forces finally aligning to drive increased opportunities for vendors participating in the M2M market?