Why Is Mobile Right For Your Brand?
My husband and I are in vehement competition for the mayorship of our home. While I'm the current proud holder of that little Foursquare crown, he'll have the perfect opportunity to steal an advance when I'm at Forrester's Consumer Forum in Chicago all next week. A sad defeat. You see, in our house, the Mayor doesn't take out the trash.
That's what I love about mobile, the ability to link together the virtual and real worlds. But that's not the only thing mobile is good for.
In my recently published research, "Mobile Adds New Appeal To Your Brand Experience," I challenge CMOs to think of mobile as an opportunity to raise the bar on the brand experience, by adopting or reinforcing three key characteristics of life on the go: immediacy, intimacy, and context.
- Immediacy is, of course, about speed and time: Does the brand give a consumer what she needs — right now?
- Intimacy means connecting with an individual: How does the brand change when its carried in his pocket?
- Context acknowledges that life has no commercial breaks: How does the brand stay relevant depending on where the consumer is and what she's doing?
I find these are great characteristics for all marketers to consider. What do you think?
Despite these opportunities, we've found that many mobile initiatives are scattershot in approach. Brands get some points for innovation because mobile is still emerging. Yet that novelty will wear off. In most cases, mobile is a long way off from being firmly integrated into the overall brand strategy. And for mobile to mature as a marketing option, that has got to change.
Where are you in embracing — and truly integrating — those 'killer" characteristics of mobile?
Hope to hear from you. But don't forget . . . I'll be taking out the trash.