IBM recently announced its B2B integration solutions strategy in the wake of the finalization of its recent acquisition of Sterling Commerce. Here are the highlights:

  • Sterling Integrator (SI) was the flagship Sterling Commerce software solution, and it will now become the foundation of IBM’s B2B integration solutions strategy. In the process, Sterling Integrator will be combined with several key IBM integration tools, thereby extending the capability of the total solution even further. Specifically, IBM intends to integrate Sterling Integrator with its ESB solutions (WebSphere Message Broker and WebSphere ESB), WebSphere Transformation Extender (WTX), and WebSphere Service Registry and Repository.
  • The Sterling Collaboration Network (SCN) has also been designated as a strategic B2B integration solution for both IBM and Sterling Commerce customers. IBM is evaluating several possible enhancements including enhancement of existing value-added solutions (e-Invoicing, WebForms and Supply Chain Visibility apps, geographic expansion of the network, and enhanced disaster recovery capability).
  • IBM will also provide a portfolio of Managed File Transfer (MFT) solutions to cover a range of file transfer needs. The three MFT solutions that IBM will provide include the Sterling File Gateway (for trading partner file transfer management, multi-protocol support with a single administration, governance, visibility, and development environment), WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition (native MQ-based file transfers), and SterlingConnect: Direct (for high-volume file transfers in a peer-to-peer environment with assured data delivery).

For more details on what this means for customers of both IBM and Sterling Commerce, refer to my October 20, 2010, document entitled "The IBM B2B Integration Solutions Strategy." Does this strategy make sense to you? Let me know what you think. Either respond to this blog or drop me a line at

