Following on the earlier seeds planted by Champions Of Change: The App Dev & Delivery Role In 2020 and Your Apps Portfolio In 2020: How Do You Get There From Here? imagine you have the opportunity today to ask your future self five questions about life in 2020 as an Application Development & Delivery professional: What would you ask? Here are some ground rules:

  • Stay on topic – this isn't about how to retire rich or hit the winning lottery numbers; it's about life as an IT professional.
  • Think before you speak – many things will be very, very different than they are today: teams, devices, organization, business models.
  • Think well outside the box – throw your first set of ideas away; they simply extended today forward a few years.
  • Don't confine the questions to yourself – imagine you can ask any IT, BT, or business leader two questions.

Get those creative juices flowing – what are you dying to know about the future?