Bring Your Mac To Work?

Are you or someone you know a Mac lover but brutally forced to use a PC at work? Don't fret or give up yet. Many firms such as Genentech are saying "no" to PCs and "yes" to Macs. And other firms  are instituting BYOC (bring your own computer) programs that allow Mac followers to worship at work. Is this a trend that has legs, or have we entered the post-PC era where it doesn't really matter what hunk of hardware employees use?

Macs have less than a 10% share in enterprises. But, Senior Analyst and Forrester's resident Mac-whisperer Dave Johnson says that is changing and changing fast as a result of increasing BYOC programs and smaller firms that standardize on Macs. 

Listen to Dave's authoritative, balanced analysis in this episode of TechnoPolitics to find out if Macs can make it in the enterprise.

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About Forrester TechnoPolitics

Make the tough calls. That is what independent insight and analysis is all about. Hosted by Mike Gualtieri, Forrester TechnoPolitics features independent analysis and commentary from Forrester analysts about hot technology and what it means to you and the world. Scripted? Absolutely not. Passionate? We live it every day. Courage to make the tough calls? You be the judge.

Click here to see all episodes of TechnoPolitics.

Producers: Rachel Brown, Rowan Curran, and Nick Welles