Instant Insight: What Is Mobile Backend-As-A-Service?
Mobile app developers need to work fast. Mobile backend-as-a-service (mBaaS) providers such as Kinvey, StackMob, And AnyPresence can help according to Forrester Senior Analyst Michael Facemire. But, that's not all. Mike says using mBaaS will help you "focus on the things that will get you a better job, make more money, actually have fun at work, and be proud of what you're doing". I don't know about you, but I'm in. Watch this episode of Instant Insight to learn what mBaaS in and why you should use it.(2 minutes)
About Forrester Instant Insight
Navigating the fast-changing world of business technology is a constant challenge. Forrester Instant Insight aims to provide simple, complete answers to some popular questions. Our goal: You will watch the video and be enlightened in 5 minutes or less.
This Forrester Instant Insight was produced by Mike Gualtieri and Rowan Curran