Automated Malware Analysis Wave – Kicking Off Soon
In September, Kelley Mak and I are going to be kicking off our Automated Malware Analysis Wave. During a 3 – 4 month process, we will be evaluating the network based sandboxes of 10-15 vendors. If you would like the opportunity to participate, please contact Kelley Mak (kmak at forrester dot com) and Josh Blackborow (jblackborow at forrester dot com). They can send you the inclusion criteria. Since nearly every security vendor in the market has an AMA solution, not all vendors will be invited to particpate in the Wave. Our inclusion criteria are designed to ensure we evauate the vendors most capable of addressing Forrester's security and risk client base.
For vendors interested in learning more about Forrester's perspective on automated malware analysis, please check out Pillar No. 1: Malware Analysis from Targeted-Attack Hierarchy Of Needs: Assess Your Advanced Capabilities.