CDOs, CAOs (or Equivalent), We Want You!
Data leadership is proliferating. More than ½ of companies now have a chief data officer (CDO), and an almost equal number have a chief analytics officer (CAO). Many of those without these data leaders report plans to appoint one in the near future.
Yet we’ve heard that data leadership roles today are not what they used to be. And, we’d like to find out more. We’ve launched a brief survey to help gather insights into the evolution of data and analytics mandates, responsibilities and the influence of data leaders across their companies.
Take Forrester’s CDO/CAO Survey
Are you responsible for data and analytics initiatives at your firm? If so, we need your expertise and insights! Forrester is looking to understand:
- Which factors drive the creation of a CDO/CAO organization?
- Which roles are part of the CDO/CAO organization?
- What are the organization’s goals?
- What is the working relationship between the CDO/CAO organization and other departments?
- How are data and analytics responsibilities distributed across the company?
- Which data and analytics services does the CDO/CAO organization offer?
- Which strategies are used to improve data and analytics literacy within the company?
Please complete our 15-minute (anonymous) Forrester CDO/CAO Survey.
The results will fuel an update to the Forrester report, Top Performers Appoint CDOs, and others. As a thank you, you’ll receive a courtesy copy of the initial report of the survey’s key findings.
Thanks in advance for your participation.