Digital disruptors will sink your company…

…if you don’t become one yourself. So says James McQuivey, author of Forrester’s new book Digital Disruption: Unleashing the Next Wave of Innovation (available everywhere February 26, 2013). You always knew digital was going to upend things. In every industry, digital disruptors are taking advantage of new platforms, tools, and innovation to undercut competitors, ingratiate customers, and disrupt the usual ways of doing business. There have always been winners and losers when disruption hits, but digital disruption hits harder and runs deeper than anyone would have guessed.

Digital Disruption is a book about how to innovate with a digital twist — a must-read for anyone who wants to be a digital winner. 

In this episode, TechnoPolitics sits down with Digital Disruption author James McQuivey to:

  • Learn what digital disruption is and how it affects every industry (even cement companies).
  • Understand the mindset of digital disruptors.
  • Find out how your firm can fend off digital disruptors by becoming one itself.


Podcast: Digital Disruption: Unleashing The Next Wave Of Innovation (12 mins)

Click here to download the MP3 file of this episode.

Click here to listen on iTunes.

About Forrester TechnoPolitics

Make the tough calls. That’s what independent insight and analysis is all about. Hosted by Mike Gualtieri, Forrester TechnoPolitics features independent analysis and commentary from Forrester analysts about hot technology and what it means to you and the world. Scripted? Absolutely not. Passionate? We live it every day. Courage to make the tough calls? You be the judge.

Click here to see all episodes of TechnoPolitics.

Producers: Rowan Curran, Nick Welles, Rachel Brown, Sarah Bookstein