Ted SchadlerForrester Vice President and Principal Analyst Ted Schadler is passionate and emphatic when comes to mobile first app strategy. He says that most firms haven't figured it out that mobile first "is not about self-service, it is about service." Listen to the first two minutes, and you won't be able to stop listening. Ted's insights are fresh and full of examples.


Podcast Listening Options – Mobile First Means Service In Your Customers' Pocket


About Forrester TechnoPolitics

Make the tough calls. That is what independent insight and analysis is all about. Hosted by Mike Gualtieri, Forrester TechnoPolitics features independent analysis and commentary from Forrester analysts about hot technology and what it means to you and the world. Scripted? Absolutely not. Passionate? We live it every day. Courage to make the tough calls? You be the judge.

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Producers: Rachel Brown, Rowan Curran, and Nick Welles