Only 29% of businesses feel that they’re good at connecting analytics results to business outcomes. In 2016, Forrester predicts that customer-obsessed leaders will shift their firms’ strategies to move beyond big data to actually solve problems with data-driven insights.

Forrester’s big data predictions report includes insight into how this shift will affect businesses in 2016, including:

  • Firms will try to drive value and revenue from selling data, but most will struggle to master the intricacies of protecting personal data and successful business models.
  • A third of firms will pursue data science through outsourcing and technology to fill data gaps.
  • Chief data officers (CDOs) will gain power, but long-term viability of the role is unclear. Digital-native businesses, for example, will not benefit from appointing a CDO.

Visit the Enterprise Architecture blog to learn more about Forrester’s 2016 big data predictions.