Forrester Research Holds Inaugural Telecom Forum, Underscores Customer-Centric Networks As Key To Industry’s Turnaround
To reverse the current downturn plaguing the telecom industry, service providers must go beyond bigger, better networks as centerpieces of their strategies. At the Forrester Research (Nasdaq: FORR) Telecom Forum, “Winning Networks And Strategies For eBusiness,” more than 300 corporate leaders, service providers, and technology vendors today will learn how customer-centric networks — based on user-defined services, resource-ready bandwidth, and context-aware infrastructure — will re-ignite revenue growth, revamp telecom software and services, and spur competition and specialization among telecom incumbents and insurgents. The Forum, being held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, ends May 22.
“The telecom industry is floundering due to too many networks, too much debt, and too little innovation,” said Christopher Mines, group director at Forrester Research. “Customer-centric networks are the industry’s lifeline. If Forum attendees take home one key message today, it should be this: Change the focus of investment and innovation toward business customers and away from network facilities.”
The Forrester Telecom Forum will feature case studies presented by leaders in the industry. These presentations and interactive discussions, led by service providers and technology developers, will illustrate how to position customer-centric networks as centerpieces of a profitable turnaround strategy.
“Insights garnered from this Forum will mark a new chapter in telecom’s history,” added David M. Cooperstein, research director of Forrester’s North American Telecom team. “Forrester analysts will shatter myths about the industry’s investment strategy and approach to working with customers; provide an action plan for building customer-centric networks; and illuminate — with Michael K. Powell, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission — the coming industry regulatory framework.”
In addition to Powell, featured guest speakers include Marc Andreessen, chairman and co-founder, Loudcloud; Ellen M. Hancock, chairman and CEO, Exodus Communications; Alfred T. Mockett, CEO, BT Ignite; Jerry Parrick, CEO and founder, Yipes Communications; Chris Parsons, senior VP, strategic marketing and business development, BellSouth; Daniel E. Smith, president and CEO, Sycamore Networks; and Jonathan Seelig, vice president, corporate strategy, Akamai Technologies.
In addition to Mines and Cooperstein, featured Forrester telecom analysts include Matthew M. Nordan, research director of Forrester¿s European Telecom team; Maribel Dolinov, senior analyst; and Jeanne M. Schaaf, Ph.D., senior analyst.The Forrester Telecom Forum is part of a series of 10 Forrester Forums taking place in 2001. Forrester Forums provide opportunities for Global 3,500 executives and senior managers, industry leaders, and Forrester analysts to develop successful business strategies, discover the latest tools and vendors, and informally share ideas.
To register for press attendance on May 21 or 22, please contact Liz Fuller at: +1 617/794-7203.