Forrester’s European Insurance CX Index 2022: Customer Experience at Insurers drops
According to Forrester’s “European Auto And Home Insurers Customer Experience Index (CX Index™) Rankings, 2022”, the average CX Index score for European auto and home insurers dropped significantly from 67.9 to 67.1 on a 100-point scale.
For the report, Forrester surveyed 11,484 European adult customers of 39 auto and home insurance brands in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and the UK to determine how they perceive their experiences and how CX drives loyalty.
Key findings of this year’s European Insurance CX Index include:
- Germany is the only country where CX stands out. Germany is the only country where customers rated the quality of their experience as good on average. German insurers stand out for the quality of their physical-only experiences, thanks to a dense network of well-connected insurance agents. 65% of German online adults who applied for an insurance policy in the past 12 months worked with an insurance agent for their most recent insurance product.
- CX quality in the UK climbs back to 2019 levels. Italy, France, Sweden, and Spain all languish in mediocrity. The UK is the only country where CX quality improved — by a statistically significant 1.8 points. Two brands in particular, LV= General Insurance and Admiral/Diamond/Elephant, made a great leap forward. In Italy, France, Sweden, and Spain all brands are tightly clustered in the “OK” category, with only an 11-point gap between the highest (MAIF in France) and the lowest (Santa Lucía in Spain).
- ‘Efficient transaction processes’, and ‘insurance products and services that meet customers’ budget’ affect loyalty the most. Processing transactions quickly is one of the top drivers of customer loyalty in Germany, Spain, Sweden, and the UK. However, only 53% of European respondents to Forrester’s CX Benchmark Survey agreed that their auto or home insurance provider has efficient transaction processes. Offering a range of insurance options that meet customers’ budget is the second most important driver of loyalty in Europe. However, less than 50% of customers found that their insurers’ options met their budget.
- Feeling disappointed destroys loyalty the most. Disappointment destroys loyalty the most in all countries except Germany, where feeling disappointed is the second most loyalty-destroying emotion. Among European respondents who felt disappointed, only 19% plan to stay with the brand, 15% plan to spend more with the brand, and only 8% will advocate for the brand.
If interested in accessing the overarching European insurance CX Index report or country specific data, please reach out to