#ForrIdeas Twitter Chat: The Future Of Business Is Digital
<p>While 74% of business executives say their company has a digital strategy, only 15% believe their company has the skills and capabilities to execute on that strategy. A piecemeal strategy of bolting on digital channels or methods is no longer sufficient. On Wednesday, March 19, Forrester will host a #ForrIdeas Twitter chat with Forrester Vice President and Principal Analyst <a href=”http://www.forrester.com/Nigel-Fenwick”>Nigel Fenwick</a> based on his research on harnessing digital technologies, both to deliver a superior customer experience and to drive the agility and operational efficiency you need to stay competitive.</p>
<p>Please join us from 12 to 1 p.m. ET on Wednesday, March 19, to participate in the chat. Follow <a href=”https://twitter.com/forrester”>@Forrester</a> on Twitter, and search for the hashtag #ForrIdeas to find the chat. You can follow Nigel at <a href=”https://twitter.com/NigelFenwick”>@NigelFenwick</a>. The chat will focus on the following questions:</p>
<p>Q1. How would you define digital business? #ForrIdeas<br />Q2. How does digital business challenge the existing value chain model of business? #ForrIdeas<br />Q3. How does digital change customer perceptions of value? #ForrIdeas<br />Q4. What is the role of data in creating customer value? #ForrIdeas<br />Q5. What challenges do businesses face in transforming into a digital business? #ForrIdeas<br />Q6. Who in the organization should lead the digital transformation effort? Why? #ForrIdeas</p>
<p>You can also visit our <a href=”http://solutions.forrester.com/disruption-sl?scid=701a00000025wOA&intcmp=mkt:pr:mediaresources:DDSL2_Hub”>digital business hub</a> for more information before and after the chat.</p>