#ForrIdeas Twitter Chat: Top Technology Trends To Watch In The Era Of Digital Disruption
Constantly connected customers, empowered by broadband connectivity and millions of apps, have turned the tables on business. “In order to compete, firms must keep a close eye on trends changing the way that they should think about digital convergence, digital experience delivery, and how they interact with their environment through APIs,” notes Principal Analyst Brian Hopkins. “The pace of digital disruption makes the future less predictable, but firms must also deal with the fact that information has never been more available and the pressure on IT to be more open has never been higher.”
On Tuesday, November 19, @Forrester will host a #ForrIdeas Twitter chat with Brian Hopkins based on his message that emerging technology trends reflect the qualities needed to thrive in the age of the customer: They foster engagement; use flexible processes, more data, and better analytics; and are nimble and secure.
Please join us at 3 p.m. ET on Tuesday, November 19, to participate in the chat. Follow @Forrester on Twitter, and search for the hashtag #ForrIdeas to find the chat. You can follow Brian Hopkins at @practicingEA. The chat will be centered around the following questions:
Q1: Which aspect of your business strategy has been most affected by #digitaldisruption and emerging technology? #ForrIdeas
Q2: Does your org say “yes” to new business ideas for data innovation and value? Why or why not? #ForrIdeas
Q3: What has your company done to think innovatively about emerging technology trends? #ForrIdeas
Q4: In era of #digitaldisruption, pressure on IT to be more open and innovative has never been higher. Do you agree? #ForrIdeas