The Fight To Control The TV Becomes A Platform War
<p>“Microsoft is winning one of the most important battles in the digital world: The battle for the TV,” writes Forrester Research Vice President and Principal Analyst James McQuivey in a <a href=””>blog post</a> highlighting his new report on who will control the future of television.</p>
<p>In the battle for future television supremacy, the company that controls the <em>platform</em> will win the war for the holy grail of media consumption. “Microsoft is in the lead, offering everything that matters: a growing content library, a convenient engagement path for millions of existing Xbox 360 owners, and a growing ecosystem of partners and developers eager to exploit the platform for their own purposes,” writes McQuivey.</p>
<p>The report looks at the implications for the other major platform players: Apple and Google primarily, but also Facebook and Amazon. “Each combatant has a consumer device strategy, but it’s their platform strategies that will determine the TV winner in the long run,” writes McQuivey. “This year, the comfortable control (of TV) will not only come under siege, it will be forfeit.”</p>
<p>Read more <a href=””>here</a> about the Forrester report, “The Fight To Control The TV Becomes A Platform War.”</p>