<p>&ldquo;Microsoft is winning one of the most important battles in the digital world: The battle for the TV,&rdquo; writes Forrester Research Vice President and Principal Analyst James McQuivey in a <a href=”http://blogs.forrester.com/james_mcquivey/12-05-16-the_fight_over_tv_is_a_fight_for_platform_power”>blog post</a> highlighting his new report on who will control the future of television.</p>
<p>In the battle for future television supremacy, the company that controls the <em>platform</em> will win the war for the holy grail of media consumption. &ldquo;Microsoft is in the lead, offering everything that matters: a growing content library, a convenient engagement path for millions of existing Xbox 360 owners, and&nbsp; a growing ecosystem of partners and developers eager to exploit the platform for their own purposes,&rdquo; writes McQuivey.</p>
<p>The report looks at the implications for the other major platform players: Apple and Google primarily, but also Facebook and Amazon. &ldquo;Each combatant has a consumer device strategy, but it&rsquo;s their platform strategies that will determine the TV winner in the long run,&rdquo; writes McQuivey. &ldquo;This year, the comfortable control (of TV) will not only come under siege, it will be forfeit.&rdquo;</p>
<p>Read more <a href=”http://blogs.forrester.com/james_mcquivey/12-05-16-the_fight_over_tv_is_a_fight_for_platform_power”>here</a> about the Forrester report, &ldquo;The Fight To Control The TV Becomes A Platform War.&rdquo;</p>