Robert Stroud, Principal Analyst
Show notes:
The mathematics of velocity matter. Market speed — generated by the rate of customer experimentation, changing behaviors and expectations, and the pace of innovation — has left companies with a simple problem: How do we go faster than we ever have before and then increase the pace from there?
Continuous delivery points at a key lever of speed, moving technology from a paced and sometimes arbitrary queue to an agile architectural platform and set of technology products. As business technologies are increasingly central to delivering digital experiences to customers, the technology has become the product or service. In our experience economy, this is even more true.
This means that the traditional “ask and you shall receive” model that has the business as the requestor and IT as the fulfillment house will be swapped out for a model that has both teams working together to manage technology as a product or as a customer experience asset. However sensible this is, it represents a different way of thinking and working, with the real potential to dial up technology innovation speed.
In this episode, Robert Stroud discusses the continuous delivery model, what it is, and what it means to companies trying to keep up with a fast-moving market.