Enza Iannopollo, Senior Analyst
Show Notes:
We’re nearly five months in, and yet the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has not turned the world upside down — yet. Despite a lack of doom-spelling headlines, regulators have been hard at work behind the scenes.
In this week’s episode, Senior Analyst Enza Iannopollo joins us to discuss the current state of GDPR and where it will take us in the next year. Countries (and states) around the world have adopted their own version of the data regulations, meaning that companies not prepared to handle GDPR need to get on board quick. This is not just a European problem — it is a question of global readiness.
Beyond fines and regulatory punishment, customer expectations for data handling and privacy are rising. Consumers outside the EU have requested their data be deleted or packaged and shipped to them. By default, companies that are compliant with GDPR have a better understanding and control over their data, allowing them to provide greater value and protection to their customers.
With the influx of new and unregulated technologies such as AI and blockchain, it becomes increasingly important that companies modernize their data management strategies or risk becoming one of the major headlines of 2019.