Thank you for your feedback
[posted by Jennifer Joseph]
Thank you to those who participated in our feedback survey last month. I'm a researcher on Forrester’s direct and interactive marketing team and worked with Jeremiah, Pete, Josh, and Charlene to create and field this survey. I’ve summarized the results from the survey the presentation below.
Overall what did we find? We had 211 respondents from the four marketing analyst blogs: Web-strategist by Jeremiah Owyang, The Interactive Marketing Blog, Goundswell by Josh and Charlene, and Being Peter Kim. Overall, these respondents like the volume and quality of content and are looking for more case studies.
What did we learn about this blog specifically? Despite scoring the lowest in quality of the four blogs, 78% of Interactive Marketing Blog respondents rated this blog as excellent or above average. IM blog respondents are most interested in industry forecasts and predictions. And readers would also like to see more slide decks and video used on the blog.
What do we plan to do with this feedback? We're using your input in two primary capacities: 1) To refine these blogs and keep them relevant for you while also aiding in our own research; 2) To help us evaluate how blogs can best be used by other Forrester Research teams. We’ll keep you posted on what changes or improvements we launch based on your feedback.