Richard Ting, one of the more experienced mobile marketing
professionals at agency R/GA, makes the case for bolder spending on mobile initiatives.
See his recent comments here.


Ting likens the moment to the early days of Web advertising
when big brands pioneered that new channel – even when ROI was hard to prove. And
though it’s early for mobile, he argues that smart brands should take
advantage, learn the ropes, and get a jump on competitors while the medium is largely


He has a point.


But with tight budgets in a sour economy, marketers need
some hard evidence from case studies that show a reasonable ROI in order to
justify greater spending.


Do you have any case studies to share that resulted in a
solid ROI and that would help justify a greater mobile media spend? Let me know
directly via email (see below). I might be able to use them in my upcoming


And what do you think – do you agree with Ting? Post a
comment below, or send me an email at