If you haven't seen it yet, I encourage you to check out Paul Jackson's latest report entitled, "The Convenience Quotient of Portable Computing."  Here's the abstract:

We're finally seeing consumers embrace computing on the go — whether it's experimentation with Net access and application downloads on the iPhone or trying out inexpensive netbooks, the past 18 months have seen an explosion in activity and functionality. As is always the case with new consumer product opportunities though, mistakes have been and will continue to be made; a Convenience Quotient analysis of portable computing platforms shows how the various feasible options stack up. Tellingly, laptops still just squeeze out the competition overall, but smartphones and the next generation of netbooks threatened to steal the crown — particularly when focusing on specific consumer scenarios like high mobility or engagement with social media.

It's an intriguing report, but don't just take my word for it: James Kendrick over at jkOnTheRun posted a nice piece about this report as well, and other media outlets have been banging on our door.

Clients: Paul would welcome the opportunity to discuss this report with you — just follow the normal process for setting up an inquiry.

Also: We've got other CQ docs in the works, and we'll be sure to let you know when they publish. CQ isn't just for tech products, either.  My forthcoming CQ document applies the methodology to customer service, by examining the consumer benefits and barriers associated with various modes of resolving a customer service issue (live phone, email, online chat, etc.).

Do you have questions about Convenience Quotient, or need help understanding how it could be useful for developing your own product strategy?  If so, please reach out to me, James McQuivey or J.P. Gownder.  We'd be happy to help you figure it out.