Davidcard[Posted by David Card]

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Forrester's ad spending forecast, which may be conservative in its
projected declines, shows TV declining 4% this year, with cable holding
up much better than broadcast. Targeted TV spots and interactive ads on the big screen could raise
CPMs but remain in limited trials. Newspaper spending will continue its
double-digit decline, and magazines will be down 7%. Online advertising
will be up 10%, but that's driven by search; display will barely be up. While online is bigger than radio and magazines, its $5 billion net
growth in 2008 and 2009 won't replace the $3.7 billion TV and $13
billion print declines. We're forecasting a mild TV recovery in 2010,
and accelerating online growth, but that's entirely dependent on a
still uncertain economy.


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What the Media Meltdown Means for Marketing
Interactive Marketing Forecast