How Tech Vendors Should Approach Green IT
[Posted by Christopher Mines]
My colleague Doug Washburn and I did a Forrester Webinar yesterday for tech vendor clients & prospects. We closed with 6 takeaways for tech vendors seeking to capitalize on the mega-trend of sustainability adoption by their corporate customers:
- Corporate sustainability is here to stay; green IT is not a fad or a fashion.
Energy efficiency is important for all IT assets, not just the data center.
Enterprises implementing green IT need process change and consulting support, not just new hardware and software.
- Vendors must market their green solutions with a holistic vision and a tactical implementation path.
Green IT has many customer stakeholders, each with a different view of its priority and benefits. VEndors must be multi-lingual in developing conversations with these stakeholders.
- Be clear about the cost-benefit arithmetic. Help customers build their business case with ROI numbers that are clear, simple, and complete.