After much hard toil in the form of data cutting, analysis, and head scratching, my colleague Jacqueline Rousseau-Anderson and I have finished the 2009 Forrester U.S. Benchmark Data Overview and the report is now live — if you’re a Forrester client you can access the document at

If you’re not familiar with our Benchmark report, you’ve been missing out. Forrester has the longest running survey of technology adoption in North America, more than a decade’s worth of data that tells a detailed, complete story of the technologies that consumers use, their online and offline behaviors, their demographics and attitudes. Our mail-based survey was completed by nearly fifty thousand respondents this year, and the data is representative of the US and Canadian populations at both a household and individual level. In past years we’ve reported on North America as a whole but this year opted to produce separate reports for the US and Canada — it’s the US data that we’ve just published (those of you anxious for an update on the Great White North will have to wait a bit as we put the finishing touches on the Canadian Benchmark).

What’s the headline? The inexorable march of digital technologies and the Net into our lives continues. With each passing year consumers of every stripe become more reliant on the Net for an increasing number of activities and services. Whether it’s how we communicate, shop, buy, gather information, or consume media, the Internet is the means to the end. And speaking of media, whether we are ingesting or creating it, it’s digital. DVD players are practically ubiquitous (84% of households have one and 28% have more than one), nearly three in five households get their TV service digitally (our survey preceded the digital TV transition), and nearly three-quarters of US adults own a digital camera.

What’s on the horizon? The Net everywhere. Enhanced mobile networks, the continued expansion of WiFi access points, more capable mobile devices, and reduced access fees are showing consumers that the Net need no longer be confined to home and work. Half of US adults own a laptop today and while smartphone ownership has yet to crack the 10% line, those who access the Net on their phones are growing more avid: the percentage of mobile phone subscribers who access the Net on their phone every day doubled in 2008.

So click on over, browse the report, and enjoy all the crunchy data nuggets. What’s there is just the surface layer, we can slice and dice our myriad data points nearly any way you can imagine.

Click here to get access to some additional consumer insights related to this report.