Download Free Webinar “Youth: Social, Mobile and Influential”
[Posted by Jackie Anderson]
Back on August 18th I posted an entry about whether or not youth are recessions proof. The data I examined was part of a webinar that my colleague Tamara Barber and I were working on. In the session, which aired on August 20th, we examined both the general US and Hispanic youth markets. This Webinar is now available for free. You can click here to download the archived version.
Some of the insights we found based on our Technographics Youth Surveys:
- Non-Hispanic youth stick to basic mobile tasks, Hispanic youth explore new grounds. While 85% of mobile-phone-owning online youth 13-17 are texting at least monthly, only 23% are using the mobile Internet. In comparison, over half of their Hispanic counterparts are accessing the mobile Internet.
- Social networking is for being social with friends, not brands. Non-Hispanic youth aren't looking to buddy up with retailers or brands on their social networking sites. But again, the same isn't necessarily true for their Hispanic counterparts. Only 5% of non-Hispanic youth agreed that they want to interact with companies and brands on their social networking site, compared to 14% of their Hispanic peers.
Of course, these are just a couple of the interesting tidbits we revealed. The Webinar gives insight into the differences and comparabilities between non-Hispanic and Hispanics US youngsters 13 to 17 years olds on topics like recessionary and online spending, influence, online activities, and mobile.