Next PM open house: Agile in tech companies
Since our first Forrester open house for product managers and product marketers was a success, we're going to start scheduling them regularly. Like, say, once a month.
The topic that has received the most votes in our topic survey is, How does Agile affect the company, outside the development team? Other leading topics include:
- What's the state of the art in requirements?
- How are other companies structuring their PM teams?
- How do companies make a successful transition to a new business model?
- How do other teams handle sales support?
- What are some strategies for handling the product roadmap?
We're leaving the survey open, so please, vote for the topics that most interest you.
Meanwhile, here are the details for the next session. This time, we'll make sure to leave a good chunk of time just for conversation with your peers and colleagues.
- WHEN: Thursday, December 3, from 4:00 to 5:30 PM.
- WHERE: 950 Tower Parkway, Foster City, CA. The Forrester office is on the 12th floor.
- WHY: Have an informal conversation with other PMs about a topic of mutual interest, with a Forrester analyst providing some supporting information from our research.
Later, I'll post a calendar with future dates and topics. Please pass the word to your friends and co-workers in the Bay Area. And if you're thinking of attending, please RSVP to Marsha Versen. The RSVP isn't mandatory, but it does give us an idea how many people may be attending.
[Cross-posted at The Heretech.]