Project Canvas inches closer to final approval
Today’s news that the latest hurdle has been cleared in the development of Project Canvas – approval (albeit provisional) from the BBC Trust – is good news for most interested parties, if not rivals such as BSkyB and Virgin Media who have been vigorously opposing it.
The minutiae of the behind-the-scenes politicking are not of interest beyond a small group of analysts and policy geeks, but the future of Project Canvas itself is a huge story for the media sector in the UK
In the last month, major broadcasting clients I was visiting in
There are still further obstacles to overcome, not least a list of 190 conditions that the BBC Trust has applied. These require further digestion, but one feature the BBC’s Erik Huggers told me about earlier this year – an EPG built around search algorithms rather than linear TV-style listings – seems to have been overruled at this stage. But if these conditions are not so onerous as to hamper Canvas’s development, we could be still seeing Canvas-enabled set-top boxes under our Christmas trees a year from now.