Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway done with January. If you made a New Year’s resolution to find a new gig, then you are in luck – we are hiring a Senior Analyst for our NYC office.

The Interactive Marketing team is growing fast as marketers gain back their budgets and their confidence. We’re looking for a senior member to help cover a few key topics including data and targeting, measurement, budgeting and planning for both interactive (display, search, etc.) AND social media. Being an analyst is a great change from the daily grind. You get to write research, consult with clients and become a public part of the industry.

Interested? Then click here to learn more: http://forrester.myvurv.com/main/careerportal/Job_Profile.cfm?szOrderID=434&szReturnToSearch=1&szWordsToHighlight=