2010 Update For Evaluating Integration Alternatives
Since 2007, Forrester analysts Ken Vollmer, Noel Yuhanna and I have collaborated to publish an annual review of the application, process, and data integration technology landscape. The goal of this important recurring research is to help application development, business process, data management, and enterprise architecture professionals navigate the often complex and confusing myriad of choices available to solve their organization’s integration challenges.
I’m proud to announce that our most recent version of this popular report, “2010 Update: Evaluating Integration Alternatives” is now available on Forrester’s website.
This year’s report focuses on ten distinct integration technologies including ESB, CIS (Comprehensive integration solutions), B2B service providers, Privacy industry exchanges, B2B gateway software, and Integration appliances on the application and process integration side, as well as ETL, CDC (change data capture), and EII (enterprise information integration) on the data integration side. In addition, we continue to look at Information-as-a-Service (IaaS) as an architectural approach to supporting data integration requirements.
A key take away from this research is our recognition that application, process and data integration can no longer remain isolated siloed competencies within an organization. Our recommendation is that organizations look to consolidate their integration strategies and resources into a shared services organization that can leverage all the strengths of these different techniques.
We hope you enjoy, and look forward to hearing your feedback.