One of the benefits of working at Forrester (for a data loving person like myself) is having such a wealth of quantitative data on hand through our Technographics program. Of course, the data on hand doesn’t always answer every question our clients have. To help with this we also run a series of omnibus surveys, both mail and online, throughout the year. We’ve done this for many years as a way to allow our clients to supplement our extensive database and ensure they can get the exact answers to their questions (at a reasonable price).

While I’ve always been a big fan of our omnibus surveys and of helping clients maximize the ability to field a few questions for a low cost, I’m even more excited because we’re now linking quantiative and qualitative omnibus offerings through our quarterly tracker offering (you can get more info on the quarterly trackers here). This program takes advantage of our quarterly online omnibus surveys while also leveraging our existing online consumer community. In the past clients have used the community to pre-test ideas for the omnibus surveys or to post-test interesting or suprising findings from their omnibus questions or to generally expand on the findings from the online survey. Our community proves to be the perfect testing ground for these types of engagments since it’s already up and running and thriving with general consumers who are open to engaging in conversations about a variety of topics. Unlike custom communities that need to be built and recruited, our community is ongoing and ready to be tapped for valuable (timely!) qualitative insights.

If you’d like more information about our omnibus offerings you can contact me directly or email