How Well Do You Understand Your Business And IT Strategy?
Whether you are a CEO, CIO, IT employee, or working outside of IT, you have some level of understanding of your organization’s strategy. At least that’s what I believe. But how much do you understand? To find out we’re conducting research across the enterprise to see how well employees understand business strategy and whether they have any idea about the IT strategy or even the IT architecture strategy.
As a reader of this blog, I know you are an innovative thinker and business-savvy — I’m hoping you will please take five minutes now or later today to help out our research by taking part in this survey, no matter where you work or what your role is. Even if you cannot take the survey, you can still help by sharing a link to this post with friends, colleagues, and associates who you think may be interested in the results.
The survey examines a number of aspects of business and IT strategy, such as:
- How well defined and understood is the business & IT strategy?
- How well understood are the measures of strategy success?
- What time horizons are most common for strategic planning?
- Frequency of planning updates
- The perception of IT (from inside IT and from outside IT)
- The maturity of enterprise architecture planning
- Social technology strategy
I’ll be writing future blog posts here based upon the data we gather as well as sending participants a summary of the results.
Next post: Unscrew Your Light Bulb!
Previous post: Why CEOs Should Stop Limiting IT Budgets