I'm preparing a panel discussion for our fall European Marketing and Strategy Forum about how marketing leaders have or are beginning to connect the dots of the brand experience.  If you're unfamiliar with the concept of Connecting the Dots, in my research I've defined it as:

Orchestrating diverse opportunities and all resources — within marketing, elsewhere in the company, and externally — to create a compelling brand experience that delivers value to the consumer…

In short, you could say it's about marketers making harmony out of chaos. 

In the panel I'm running, I'd like to chat with marketing leaders about how they have stepped up to define and lead the brand experience at their company, across different channels and often among diverse departments.  I'll ask them about their challenges, their worst surprise and their closest allies in trying to connect the dots.  And more…

I have some ideas of who I'd like to talk with, but let me open it to you, the audience:  who would you like to hear from? 

It may be a company that you like doing business with as a customer because it feels like they are taking care of you.  It may be a marketer you've read about or a company that intrigues you as they take advantage of technology.  It could be a colleague, a friend, or even – gasp – yourself. 

If you have a story you'd like to hear, or a story to tell, please let me know.  To get in touch:  comment here, dm me on twitter (at)mbkmbk or send me an email – mbkemp(at)forrester.com. 

I look forward to your ideas.