My last blog post generated more heated comments than I anticipated, and ironically, they had nothing to do with the primary theme of the article. Writing about how Facebook is intended for "real" relationships and not as a means to collect virtual ones, I mentioned that Auto Direct Messages (Auto DMs) on Twitter are unwelcome.  Some agreed that these pre-programmed messages sent to all new followers are annoying, but others vehemently disagreed.  So, this topic seemed worthy of further exploration.

If you would, complete the very brief 10-question survey below.  It should take less than three or four minutes to complete.  And once you've completed the survey, please click the "Retweet" button on the top right corner to invite others to complete the survey. (If the survey does not appear below, you may also click here to take survey.)

Please complete the survey only once.  (No personally identifiable information will be requested or collected, although IP addresses will be recorded in order to prevent excessive submissions from a single IP.)

I'll collect data for a week or so and will report all data here on my Forrester blog.  

Thanks for participating!


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