Xerox Corp. Acquires WaterWare Internet Services : Will Have Meaning for Meaningful Use
WaterWare will add more software development and consulting services to Xerox which is always a good thing but more importantly, WaterWare has the Aquifer EHR electronic records system that helps convert paper records to electronic data. Added to Xerox's broad document services and global reach the combination gives Xerox strong capability in electronic health records capture and management. Health Care Reform = as we know- is pushing providers to meet “meaningful use” guidleines which boil down to turning massive quantities of unstructured content into structured data -allowing better monitoting of patient outcomes, better access to health data for consumers, and lower administrative costs. Could there be a stronger core competency for this company – and this combination. I also like WaterWare as a launching point for broader Dynamic Case Management solutions they can extend Xerox capability, using DocuShare foundation BPM and ECM components in verticals like pharmacy and order automation. Combining WaterWare with DocuShare makes sense to boost professional services and system integration, but also to provide some luster to a strong product that has been a bit buried in the larger Xerox. So, a nice pick up.