Clamoring For Answers Around Your Insurance Claims Strategy? You’re Not Alone
Without a doubt, the hottest inquiry category for insurance ebusiness and channel execs (and insurance IT, for that matter) has been anything to do with claims. And why not, since as one insurance ebiz executive we talked with pointed out, isn’t claim handling the real business of insurance? We also saw the big interest in both customer experience and claims processing when we surveyed 75 or so US and Canadian insurers a little less than a year ago, with both appearing in the top three insurance business priorities into 2011.
The claim is the real moment of truth in the insurer-policyholder relationship, and that experience is a big factor in whether that policyholder decides to stick around when the claim gets settled. Just what’s on the minds of insurance roles when it comes to claims this year? For starters, here’s a sampling of claim-related inquiry topics I’ve fielded:
- What’s the business value of claims concierge services? (and check this out—three inquiries about claims concierge services in two days!)
- Why do policyholders still want to file claims with their agents?
- How is document scanning and imaging being used for claims?
- What role is streaming video playing in claims?
- What’s the state of mobile claims applications for field adjusters?
- And many, many questions on the vendor landscape for claims applications, including an interesting one on integrating legal matter management into the claims system for asbestos-related workers’ comp claims
I’m just wrapping up a report on how carriers can tame the claims beast, but in the meantime, if you’d like to learn our thinking and what else is simmering around the topic of claims, that’s just an inquiry away.