Give 10 Minutes, Get Free Customer Experience Data!
Are you a customer experience professional? Do you have 10 minutes to spare? Would you like some free data about the current state of customer experience?
If you answered “yes” to these three questions, please be a lamb and fill out Forrester’s Q3 2011 Customer Experience Survey. (We’ve designed this to be super speedy for you to fill out — 10 minutes at the maximum. We promise!) We’ll ask you a few questions about:
- How people throughout your organization get involved with customer experience efforts.
- The intersection of marketing and customer experience at your company.
- The interaction of social media and customer experience at your company.
The info you provide will help shape several reports that we’ll be publishing over the next few months.
The survey closes Wednesday, September 14th. After that date, we’ll analyze the data and send you the aggregate responses to each question — even if you’re not a Forrester client.
So give some, and get some! And thanks in advance for helping fuel our research.
(By the way, this survey is for customer experience professionals who are working to improve customer interactions with their own companies. Agency folks, tech vendors, and consultants: We’ll hit you up another time.)