Engaging with users via mobile is now unavoidable – no surprise there. By 2016, smartphone subscriptions in the US will likely outnumber people and in Europe, almost 70% of the population will own smartphones. Consumers want simple, immediate, and contextual mobile services.
Mobile offers additional contact options that go beyond the traditional touchpoints you have with a consumer, further embeds your brand into your customers' lives, and, perhaps most importantly, can serve as the central connector between all your touchpoints. The flexibility and immediacy mobile provides enables you to drive customers across and within channels and, at the same time, comes with greater complexity and more need for speed.
eBusiness professionals are at the forefront of this evolution. In order to drive value for your business and your customer, it is critical that you have a systematic, end-to-end approach to support and connect with customers through this critical touchpoint.
The Mobile eBusiness Playbook provides a structured framework to guide eBusiness professionals through their most strategic initiatives in mobile. It examines the issues and opportunities that eBusiness professionals must consider, weigh, and measure in order to implement a cohesive mobile strategy that complements their businesses in other channels. In this playbook, Forrester identifies the steps eBusiness professionals must follow to build a successful mobile channel strategy, from anticipating future trends and strategy creation to executing, measuring, and organizing staff and resources to drive innovation; everything eBusiness professionals need to be successful in this new and complex world of mobile services.
Below you’ll find the taxonomy of our Mobile eBusiness Playbook. Links to all thirteen reports can be found
here. As you are reading through, please don’t hesitate to ask questions via
inquiry, the
eBusiness and Channel Strategy community, or here on this blog.