Resources For Coping With The IT Impacts Of Hurricane Sandy, Near Term And Long Term
As we watch the hurricane Sandy news unfold, our thoughts are with the individuals and companies impacted by the storm. It's clear that a disaster of this magnitude will have lasting effects on how IT organizations plan for and react to natural disasters. Best case, I hope business technology leaders take note and learn from the experience, making planning for such events a priority for their organizations. Many of Forrester's largest clients already have comprehensive business resiliency plans in place for events like this, but many others do not. In terms of reacting to Sandy, my colleague Stephanie Balaouras just posted a great checklist of best practice activities for IT leadership teams to consider in the coming days as they work to restore IT operations for their organizations. Longer term, as Forrester's Rachel Dines will tell you, planning for events like this requires a lot more effort.
Forrester's CIO Practice wishes those impacted a safe and speedy recovery.