This is our final post to the Tech Marketing (TM) role blog, but we are not going away! We have consolidated the number of professional roles you can choose as your home page at, but we have not reduced the scope of challenges we can help you solve to be successful in your job. Posts from analysts whose research you find valuable will still appear on their individual blogs, as well as the role blogs with which their ongoing work is now associated.

The analysts who were aligned to the Tech Marketing role are now aligned to one of two other roles.

Sales Enablement: At Forrester, we work with leaders taking action across marketing, sales, channel, and other functions to orchestrate a higher return on the spending and activity that their companies invest in growing B2B revenues. To them, Sales Enablement (SE) means both revenue enablement and salesperson enablement. Given the broad scope of our clients’ professional challenges, current Tech Marketing analysts Lori Wizdo, Peter O’Neill, Tim Harmon, and Jon Silber have joined the SE role team because their research and advice about optimizing your investments in leads and the end-to-end lead management process and optimizing channel and partner routes to market all maps to the SE Role definition and scope. You will find their posts, both past and future, at the SE role blog.  

Marketing Leadership: This is the role that implements the brand strategy that the CMO sets. Because building your brand in the high-tech sector is not materially different than other B2B industries, the current Tech Marketing analysts who focus on social and digital, Kim Celestre and Zack Reiss-Davis, are now supporting the Marketing Leadership Role. Also, brand building means coordinating both online and offline media channels and using digital and emerging touchpoints, so the analysts and content that were previously associated with our Interactive Marketing role, plus Thomas Husson and Sarah Rotman Epps from our Consumer Product Strategy role, are now mapped to the Marketing Leadership role. 

So, please stay engaged with the analysts whose research and advice you value from their individual blogs and in their new role homes.