Internal and hosted private cloud adoption in 2013
Over the past couple months, I've published adoption profiles on both internal and hosted private cloud in North America and Europe. If you haven't read them, they can be found at the following links:
- Adoption Profile: Hosted Private Cloud, North America And Europe, Q3 2013
- Adoption Profile: Private Cloud In North America, Q3 2013
- Adoption Profile: Private Cloud In Europe, Q3 2013
Keeping this short and sweet, here's my top takeaways on internal private cloud:
- Private cloud adoption and interest continues to rise.
- Europe is starting to get serious about private cloud with a large spike in adoption and interest in 2013.
- Despite increased adoption, private clouds are still falling short of basic definition.
- Improved IT management is still the focus which shows a mix of enhanced virtualization centric private clouds and early stages of transformational cloud.
- Most popular vendor in Europe? IBM.
- Most popular vendor in the US? VMware.
And my top takeaways on hosted private cloud:
- Hosted private cloud adoption jumped up in 2013 by 10%.
- The UK is leading the charge, not the US.
- Concerns similar to that of internal private, not public cloud.
- Top priority? Improved IT management which emphasizes less-than-cloudy drivers to hosted private cloud.
- I should update my hosted private cloud wave this year.
If you've got any questions on the profiles, feel free to schedule an inquiry. If you're a vendor looking to participate in the hosted private cloud wave, please reach out such that we can send you a qualifier.