Next Generation Consumer Wearables: Think Small & Fast Content
Rumors have been circulating about a potential Apple iWatch. Very few executives we have surveyed about wearables have a strategy or are planning a strategy for their content and services for wearable devices. I am in love with my Pebble, but anxious for something more stylish that looks and feels more like my FuelBand, but with color, multiple apps, and a display that does just a wee bit more.
A few early tips. Think:
1) Atomized content (think small, minimal)
2) Dynamic content delivery based on a combination of real time, historical and operational data. (See report)
3) Notifications – the majority of interactions with your customers (for many of you) will be glanceable alerts. (And, yeah, you are going to have to stop measuring the performance of your mobile apps based on opens and time spent.) I don't necessarily need to make a purchase on this device, but I need to know if the sale is on. I need to know if the gate for my flight has changed. I can go into the app to change my reservation. Apps will soon be too heavy and finding/opening apps will involve too much friction to receive simple bits of information.
Here is an artist's mock up of a potential Apple iWatch device as well as a photo of the Samsung Gear Fit.