Moving On Towards The B2B Marketing Role – Check Out This New Report
In last week’s post, I mentioned the upcoming transition of the Sales Enablement role to a much more strategic B2B Marketing role. In April, overnight, you will have immediate access to over a hundred reports about B2B marketing written by experienced Forrester analysts Laura Ramos, Lori Wizdo, and Kim Celestre.
This is in addition to the reports you know already from our existing sales enablement research. That body of research will continue as planned within the new role; there is no let-off in our momentum on sales enablement coverage. But this research will now be read by a much broader audience across B2B marketing. That is important for sales enablement automation vendors and service providers, because most of them actually sell their wares to the marketing department. So the reports we write about them will reach a larger audience.
Plus, as I discussed at the Sales Enablement Forum, you Sales Enablement Professionals are wearing at least six hats of responsibility, for what we call the six business goals of sales enablement, and you must continually educate and influence colleagues to get things done. Most of these colleagues are also in marketing, so we are helping your cause directly.
As an introduction to the new analysts in our group over the next few weeks, I will refer you to an interesting report that they have published and discuss how relevant it is to our sales enablement ambitions.
The first introduction is easy.
Laura Ramos, currently serving Chief Marketing Officers but about to join the B2B Marketing group, published this seminal report for the SE Forum, where she presented a keynote. Check it out on the CMO pages: From Priming The Pipeline To Engaging Buyers: The B2B CMO’s New Role In Sales Enablement. All of you should be putting this report in front of your top marketing executives: It will further your own case for change and resources and help them understand what you are doing in sales enablement. The following graphic from the report shows the relationship between modern marketing and sales success.
Please let me know if you have any comments or questions about our planned change. Drop me a note or place an inquiry.
Always keeping you informed! Peter